Take 5 at the Club: Eufay Wood – The Man, The Legend, The Trainer

Eufay Wood Club 100 trainer and managing partner

We always see Tahoe Club 100 General Manager and owner of High Octane Training, Eufay Wood, at the gym and training others. But now we get a chance to learn more about the man, the legend, the trainer and his own personal fitness preferences.
With over 30 years’ experience in the Allied Health and Fitness Industry, Eufay is a wealth of Knowledge, Skill and Expertise. He has consistently been recognized as “Best of Tahoe” Personal Trainer. Eufay coaches many of Tahoe’s elite athletes including Gold Medalists Jaime Anderson, Hannah Teter and X-games Gold Medalists, Maia Bickert and Gabbi Fisher.
This ‘Take 5 at The Club’ interview we go into the mind and gym bag of one of Tahoe’s greatest sports and fitness trainers, Eufay Wood.

Question #1
What Drives you to work out?
A: “So my body doesn’t seize up and quit on me! If I quit moving, it’s over, the alternative isn’t good. Remember ‘motion is lotion,’ it keeps the joints moving. I guess the other part that drives me is a little bit of vanity (smile emoji).”

Question #2
What is your proudest fitness moment?
A: “Bouldering in Joshua Tree with my beautiful wife. It was outside my comfort zone. It was one of the best ham and glute workouts I’ve ever had.“

Question #3
Favorite Exercise or Piece of Equipment?
A: “Rouge Racks. You can do everything on those racks; pull-ups, squats, bench, deadlifts, TRX movements, the list goes on!“

Question #4
Favorite work out song, artist or album?
A: “I like Club music, Pitbull, Calvin Harris. Depending on my mood. If I’m doing legs I like Metallica.“

Question #5
What do you like best about Tahoe Club 100?
A: “My partners Susan and Randy.We are like family. And of course, my clients. I have the best clients any trainer could be blessed with. They make it easy to come to work. Our Club 100 members are fantastic; Veronica, Keith and Larry just to name a few. So answering your question… it’s the people that I like best about Tahoe Club 100.”

What’s in your Gym Bag?
Black Hat:
Favorite winter hat given to him by Jamie Anderson after she won the LAAX Open in 2016.

The Stick:
The Stick relieves pain, increases range of motion, promotes flexibility and accelerates recovery.

Vintage Hamilton Watch:
Vintage Hamilton Watch worn by Eufay’s father as a member of the 4th Air Command serving in Vietnam.

Boy Scouts of America Pocket Knife:
Official Boy Scouts of America folding pocket knife. BSA’s mission to teach boys “patriotism, courage, self-reliance and kindred values.” Once a boy Scout always a Boy Scout!

Magically Moisturizing Dry Skin Butter:
Magically Moisturizing Dry Skin Butter handmade in Lake Tahoe by Megan Miller Gandt. Used by all the trainers, this healing cream is the bomb!

Solstice Spray Sport’s Relief Liquid :
“To keep me from falling apart, I use this spray from my client and friend, Melinda Choy of Elevate Wellness.” Zheng Gu Shui translates to ‘mending bone water‘ in English. Zheng Gu Shui is a liniment especially designed to relieve pain associated with fractures, bruises and other types of mild trauma.

Power, Virility and Foxiness
Lastly, not only is Eufay a fantastic trainer, but he is also a man of Power, Virility and Foxiness! What is his secret? The answer lies deep within the interior of his gym bag, charms given to him by client and friend Ike Marr of Ike & Martin.

“Remember ‘motion is lotion,’ it keeps the joints moving.” ~Eufay Wood

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