Take Five at the Club: Rosie Cowen – Woman, Supermom, Trainer

Rosie Cowen

Try and keep up with Tahoe Club 100 Trainer, Rosie Cowen, if you can. For those who know her, she has a battery that just keeps on going. She’s a mother, wife, friend, business owner, fitness enthusiast, LOVED trainer and group class instructor, just to name a few hats. Our ‘ Take 5 at The Club’ interview attempts to catch Rosie and get her to reveal how she stays so energized and what she carries around in her gym bag.

Question #1
What Drives you to work out?
Working out creates my energy for the day. All my faculties are enhanced. I know I am going to feel better and ultimately achieve more in my day. I actually look forward to working out before my 5 am class because it is “me time.” Time when I can connect with myself.

Question #2
What is your proudest fitness moment?
When I established Rosie Bootcamp at Tahoe Club 100. I am proud to help my clients push way outside of their comfort zone. Whether it’s doing 1,000 burpees or doing burpees in the snow, I get to share their incredible sense of accomplishment every day. My clients are by far the most positive, fun, and fearless warriors I could be blessed with. Seeing how much they progress and put themselves out there gives me my proudest moment each and every time.

I am also proud to be able to work with my fitness icon, Eufay Wood, and alongside Susan and Randy (owners of Tahoe Club 100), who gave me this incredible opportunity. With the other trainers and my clients, we’re like a tribe forever getting stronger and finding new challenges.

Question #3
Favorite Exercise or Piece of Equipment?
It’s TRX. Love using this when I travel. Your body is the machine. No time no problem- you can certainly max out a muscle pretty quickly. Great for Tabata, HIIT (20 secs on 10 seconds off).

Question #4
Favorite work out song, artist or album?
Easy. Sandstorm, especially for spinning intervals. I also have to say I LOVE Coldplay as they are my UK boys from Dorset, same as me.

Question #5
How do you balance it all and still find time for yourself? What’s your secret?

Having my workday start three hours before other people wake up helps!

My secret recipe includes walking our dog every day, eating regularly, fueling with protein and carbs right after exercise, aiming for a minimum 7 hours sleep, and taking naps whenever possible.

I learned about balance from owning and operating a successful café and catering company for the best of 10 years….you need to walk away from work and responsibilities and be present when you are with family. Especially with kids, its now or never to make these memories!

I have to say I owe my success to my incredibly supportive husband and family. They know how important my lifestyle and business are and we make it work.

Making fitness a priority helps me energize, relieves stress, and helps me think clearly and make good choices. Fitness is a lifestyle.

Question #6
What’s in your Gym Bag?
1. Speed rope: Great for warming up, Amazing calorie burn if one is short of time
2. Stop watch
3. Mic belt
4. Weight gloves: Working on strict pull ups and rope climbs at home now summer is here
5. Note book to jot down workout ideas: Never know when some crazy ideas are going to come to mind
6. Pump
7. Instant carbs, Protein bar, Natural Sugar, 10g protein in between classes
8. Resistance bands great for stretching
9. Bottle opener because you never know when you need one!
10. Pre workout Fizz sticks for instant clean energy post and pre workout
11. Cones for agility bootcamp training, TRX anywhere anyplace anytime, body weight training inside and outside. Great addition to any workout.
12. Gliders are super for full body workout. Love using them for HIIT as they are challenging. Especially great for shoulders and abs.
13. Bear complex knee supports for Weight training and ballistic HIIT training. Perfect for on and off bike, strength and conditioning classes or TRX mixed with Spin

For a great way to begin your day, make a 32 oz fully loaded smoothie
I use 50 grams of Vegan Protein
Frozen fruit blueberries are my favorite
Add in good fat like almond butter or avocado
Add your greens like spinach
For liquid I prefer Almond, Cashew or Coconut milk ~Rosie

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