Take Five at the Club: Jaime Emery

Jaime Emery

About Me….
Tell us a little about yourself

I moved to Lake Tahoe about 17 years ago after graduating from college to have one last winter of snowboarding my face off before settling down and becoming a grown up. I’m still here. I’m a local business owner/photographer (Rose Street Studio since 2008), Mom to 2 crazy dogs and a 3-legged cat and new(ish) wife to my husband, Roger Knowlton. I love skiing, snowboarding, SUP racing, mountain biking and raising hell. I also love all things wine, bread and chocolate which is why you can find me at Tahoe Club 100 almost 7 days a week.

What made you Choose Tahoe Club 100?

I had a fitness goal for my 40th birthday and a few friends recommended I get in touch with Eufay Wood of High Octane Training. His training style was exactly what I needed to get my ass into shape and be held accountable. When Tahoe Club 100 opened it was exactly what I was looking for. It’s clean, quiet and all the instructors are super motivating and supportive.

Take 5 Questions

Question #1

What drives you to work-out?

A: I have a pretty short attention span when it comes to working out. I will go really hard for a few weeks and then find myself slacking off big time. I need some sort of goal to get me into the gym and focused. Eufay will typically entertain whatever crazy goal I have that week whether it’s Olympic Ski Team, MMA fighter, Mountain Climber, Ninja, CIA Agent or whatever I come up with after binge watching Netflix that weekend.

Question #2

What’s your proudest fitness moment?

A: Completing my first Olympic Triathlon this year and running a half marathon in a sub 11 minute mile. That’s not exactly fast, but I’m not exactly a runner.

Question #3

Favorite Exercises or Piece of Equipment? Why?

A: The punching bag and grappling bags are my jam. I would love to be a MMA Fighter, but I don’t like getting hit in the face. Eufay told me that it’s not conducive to a successful career so I’ve opted to just roll around on the ground and let him hit me with nerf style bats for fun!

Question #4

What’s your Favorite work out song, artist or album?

A: It really depends on what I’m doing, but I listen to anything from ACDC to Pitbull. I love the Fitness Radio App for running because it helps keep me on pace with the music tempo.

Question #5

What’s in your Gym Bag?

A: I actually had to put this all in a bag because “what’s in the wheel well and passenger seat of your car?” doesn’t photograph well. I’m continuing to train for triathlons so I have a lot of crap in my bag including: Bike Shoes, Nike Metcon 3’s (because they kick ass), running shoes, too many pairs of flip flops, ibuprofen, too many hair ties, swimsuit, cap, 2 different pairs of swim goggles depending on the conditions, swim punch card, waterproof iPod with headphones (this will change your swim training!), sunglasses, hat, regular headphones, iPhone, some sort of food for when I’m hungry, socks, more socks, and a bottle of everyone’s favorite…Heed! (not pictured: candy wrappers)

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